It's been 2 weeks now since our ribbon cutting ceremony and we could not be happier with the turn out. Community came out to welcome Indigenous Counselling Centre into community. We are so excited where we are headed and the healing that will be done. We are also excited to announce our Iskwew Strong Podcast where two Cree/Dene women, Shauna Livesey and Andi LaRocque will speak about the things that matter on Turtle Island and specifically in the north. We have many people in the north that are doing important work from grassroots all the way up to parliament and we are happy to provide a space where their voices are heard. We deserve our voices in the north heard, many times we are forgotten and known as that town just past Edmonton. Our hope is to bring more light to the issues we are facing and the beauty that is Indigenous culture as well. Our first episode will air March 14th. We hope that you will join us on this journey. Nonoskomon (we are grateful for you).
